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Emergency Guidebook

記事ID:0005809 2015年9月17日更新 防災課 印刷ページ表示 大きな文字で印刷ページ表示


Prepare today for an earthquake that could occur tomorrow


A huge earthquake could come at any time.
Highly destructive earthquakes have been occurring at almost regular intervals in the Tokai area, which includes Gifu and other neighboring prefectures. Because there has not been a large earthquake in the past 150 years in the Tokai area, it is thought that one could come at any time.

自分の命は自分で守る 自分の地域はみんなで守る

Protect your life with your own actions. Protect your community in cooperation with your neighbors.
Self-preservation efforts are essential to the prevention of damage and loss during a disaster. Ambulances and fire engines will be unable to reach you immediately after the occurrence of an earthquake. When this sort of event happens, it is you and your family who must save each other's lives, and work together to help those around you.


Be prepared for an earthquake on a daily basis.
A disaster could happen at any time. To avoid confusion in emergencies, daily precaution measures are necessary.

For further information, including how to prepare for disasters on a day-to-day basis and how to deal with an earthquake, please read the Gifu Emergency Guidebook created by Gifu International Center.

Please refer to the following site.
 Gifu Emergency Guidebook (Link externo)<外部リンク>

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